Thursday, May 7, 2009

smoking and sweat lodge

well my life has changed and still is changing. i am quitting smoking as of last night this morning, and i am now going to sweat lodges with the skok indians. i am loving life right now, other then i am sleep deprived cause of my three week old daughter. but that is ok. i am doing ok other then that, and i am excited for the weekend. get to meet a friend finally i only get to talk to online. so that is good. well i am going for now. thanks again.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Well I have to say I have started smoking again. I am up to 4 smokes a day, and hope to not get to much into smoking again. I feel like I have failed. I want to quit again already, and I will be working on that soon. I haven't set a date yet, but plan to.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

strength of a woman

I am following two women here on blogger, and both have amazing strength. It is just amazing to see what these two women have faced and still are going strong. I only wish I will have half the strength that I have seen from these two ladies. I have to ask these two ladies if I may use there names and give links for others to follow these ladies, but I will tell you one thing, it is amazing to walk with them on there journeys.

Both ladies are walking a journey dealing with a fatal birth defect of there beautiful babies. They are dealing with Anencephaly. This is a neural tube defect where the babies are born without a complete brain, skull and scalp. The prognosis is dire and not expected to live.

Both of these mothers have gone above and beyond in there journeys, and without doubt are wondrous women. God be with these women in their journeys and bring peace to their hearts.

Monday, April 20, 2009

april 20th 2009

today, my hubby asked about starting smoking again. i thanked him for asking me first, as this helps with trust. he is still not home, which should have been hours ago, but just the same i let him do what he does.

today was long and tiring, as my daughter and i did a lot of errands today, and she is just a week and 3 days old.

i am going to go to bed though, as i am tired as heck.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

my family

My family consists of 11 people. These are the ones I am closest too and the ones I hold most dear to my heart. They are my hubby Ray, my children from oldest to youngest Terry Ellen, Raymond Jr., Malikie Ray, Sashia Terrarose. Then there is my mom and dad, sister and neice and nephew. Then there is whome our dog. My kids are 13yrs Terry, 12yrs Ray Jr, 2 1/2yrs Malikie, 1 week Sashia. We live in a hick town called Shelton Wa, and live out in the country. Well this is our family, will post more of our lifes elsewhere.